The December Christmas party/meeting of the TI-Chips was opened by Fred Ialacci. The minutes for the November meeting were read and approved. Lin Shaw gave the Treasurer's report. Lin reported that the closing balance for 1998 was within $4 of the starting balance for this year. This reflected a positive cash flow because the Chips had purchased the TView Micro during 1998.
John Parken said there was no significant change in the Chips' membership since last month's report. I reported that the Cleveland Plain Dealer called for an interview about the TI-Chips. They said they were gathering information about user groups in the Cleveland area for a Computer User Group article. I e-mailed our electronic membership recruiting flier to the Business Department of the Plain Dealer. The Chips' flier was updated to reflect our 'open' agenda and membership requirements. We'll have to wait to see which issue of the PD the article will be published. I said that this article should be much like the one printed in 1984 that listed the computer user groups (including the TI-Chips, originally known as the West Side TI-99/4A Users Group) in the Cleveland area.
Les Kee reported that there were no changes in the software library to report.
I made my trip report on my visit to Spang Mansion. I reported the facility had just about everything the TIers needed to put on a successful international multi-user group conference. The only thing that may be in short supply would be long tables. I checked into the cost of renting tables and found the going rate was $5.75 per 6 ft. or 8 ft. table. The hall had about a dozen 8-seat, round tables, one 8-foot table and three 6-foot tables. This served to underscore the necessity of knowing how many long tables are required well in advance of the conference.
Matt Andel reported that he has the invoice for the rental of the Middleburg Hts. Recreation Hall for the TIMUG'99 get-together on May 14. We have the hall from 5:30 to 10:30 that night. This will give the Chips enough set-up and clean up time before and after the 7:00 - 10:00 PM get together party.
The announcement of TIMUG'99 was in the October-November issue of MICROpendium.
Ron Markus announced that he had received a check for $10 from Richard Bell of New York as a donation to help pay for the expenses of running TIMUG'99. The TI-Chips send our thanks to Richard for his generous contribution.
I said all that was needed at this time were maps, motel and restaurant listings. I said they would have to be published in Rich Polivka's web page no later than January. (Once again, as in the 1996 MUG, a MAP to TIMUG'99 and motel listings will be sent to everyone who calls, writes or e-mails for reservations.)
Matt Andel talked about where to look for 'free' Web page space on the internet. He said one site providing this service could be found at
Harry Hoffman passed around a copy of the Dallas `99 Interface newsletter. Harry said this newsletter was going to be via Email only. I said the Milwaukee user group had decided to go the same route also, and that I had subscribed to the free e-mail issues starting January, 1999. A lively discussion followed as to how the TI-Chips might decide to distribute the newsletter electronically also. An important observation was made that not all members were 'on line' and that an intregal part of user group membership was receiving user group information (i.e., by way of a paper newsletter). It was decided that paper copies would, at the very least, continue to be mailed/distributed directly to all TI-Chips members, and that a feasability study be conducted on methods of distributing non-members' copies of the Cleveland Area TI-99/4A User Group newsletter electronically. (Ron Markus offered to produce paper distribution/mailing copies of the newsletter at a charge of 5 cents per page.)
Elections for the 1999 officer of the TI-Chips was conducted. Since all present officers agreed to remain in office, a motion was made by John Parken and moved by Harry Hoffman to re-elect the 1998 officers by acclimation. The motion was passed unanimously. The 1999 officers for the TI-Chips are:
Since the office of co-president remains open, the secretary will assume the responsibilities of president in the absence of the president. (Yours truly hopes that the office of co- president will be filled in the near future.) Les Kee and John Parken have chosen to remain in the voluntary positions of Software Librarian and Membership Chair respectively.
The Jim Peterson Service Awards nominee list for the class of 1999 was reviewed and will be posted for elections by the international TI community. Elections will begin January 1 and end April 15. Presentation of the Jim Peterson Service Awards will be made at the TIMUG'99 in Brookpark, Ohio on May 15.
The party goodies brought in by Nina Hoffman, Ada Markus, Les Kee and Glenn Bernasek were enjoyed by all throughout the December Christmas party/meeting. The TI-Chips made up a dish of goodies for the library staff.
John Parken tried to run a voice recognition demo on his desktop PC with the club's TView without success. It seemed the TV screen wouldn't stabilize. John said he would take the TView unit home and see why it wouldn't work with his system. Wanting to do a demo on somehing, John cranked up Wheel of Fortune on the club's TI-99/4A. It was great to see this super TI game in operation once again. Thanks for the show John.
The Chips concluded this year's Christmas party with two drawings. The first, the 50:50 drawing, was won by Jack Koryta. The second drawing for a Christmas basket, brought in by Ada Markus, was won by Les Kee. Congratulations to both Jack and Les.
It must be noted that the January meeting will start at 12:00 noon and the remaining meetings, for the rest of the year, will start at 10:00 AM.