TI-Chips' Online

TI-CHIPS: Meeting Minutes October 1998

The October meeting of the TI-Chips was opened by Fred Ialacci. The minutes for the September meeting were read and accepted.

Lin Shaw gave his Trearurer's report. Lin paid the $106.99 for the TView Micro that the Chips purchased to enable presentations to be made from member PC's on the library's large screen TV. Lin also reported that the club hasn't been billed for the newletter since June. Lin said he will look into this. Proceeds from the August and September raffles were turned in to Lin at the meeting. Membership dues collected at past meetings will have to wait until our membership chairman is able to attend. John Parken, our membership chairman, was unable to attend the meeting this month.

Les Kee reported that the 1997 Lima disks, that Harry Hoffman reformated, have all been cataloged. Les will give Harry additional disks to have reformated in DSSD format for him to read with his TI Disk Controller Card.

Curt Gadd inquired if there was a program for the TI-99/4A that would produce line graphs. The general consensus was that the TI's character size was too large to allow line graphs. The only graphs those in attendance could remember was the vertical or horizontal bar graphs. (If anyone in the TI community knows of a line graphing routine for the TI-99/4A, please let us know.)

I read the approved, interim TIMUG'99 conference schedule. It is set as follows:

Date: May 15, 1999
Place: Spang Mansion - Brook Park, Ohio

7:00 AM - 9:00 AMSet-up tables and displays
9:00 AM - 5:00 PMSeminars and Conferences
5:00 PM - 6:00 PMHall clean up
6:00 PM - 7:00 PMPizza Party

(A May 14, Friday night pre-conference get together site has not been determined at this time. And therefore has not been scheduled.)

I reported that our meeting room, at the North Royalton branch of the Cuyahoga County Library, has been reserved through August, 1999. There are some exceptions however. The meeting times for November and January will be different. Due to scheduling conflicts, the November 21, 1998 meeting will be from 12:45 to 2:45 PM and the January 16, 1999 meeting time will be from 12:00 to 2:00 PM. (I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but it was either accept the time changes or lose the room for that date.)

Our 'sweep-the-corners' pre-conference meeting will be held on Sunday - May 9, 1999 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. I e-mailed these dates and times to Harry, and Harry said he will publish the changes in the newsletter. Fred Ialacci said he would also call members and remind them of the meeting time changes.

Some PC discussion was conducted. I advised that McAfee 4.0 Virus Scan was not compatable with AOL 3.1 or AOL 4.0. Since I had replaced McAfee with Norton's Virus Scan in my Compaq, I offered my McAfee 3.1.1 to anybody at the meeting. (It's better than nothing, and this version is compatable with AOL 3.0 and 4.0.) Les Kee asked if anyone knew anything about LINUX. Les said he would like to install it in a partition of his 6 GB hard drive.

Back on the TI-99/4A, Les asked if there was a home security program written for the TI. He said Ron Markus was interested in one. I said one might have been written for the joystick port some time ago, but I wasn't certain about that.

I then demonstrated the TI-Chips' new PC/TV interface device the TView Micro by Focus. I demonstrated a $2 calendar/scheduling program I had purchased form Marc's drug store. The demonstrations went off without a hitch (for a change). The TView Micro was given to Fred Ialacci for safe keeping. Fred said he will bring it to each meeting. If Fred is unable to attend, he will get it to me to bring to the meeting.

Besides additional demonstrations of the club's TView Micro, I will bring in my new 120 meg, 3 1/2" floppy Super Disk drive by Imation. This drive not only reads and writes 120 megabytes to a special 3 1/2" floppy, it also reads and writes a standard 1.44 meg 3 1/2" floppy. Les Kee said he will also bring in his laptop to do a demonstration. (The TI-Chips is up and running again!)

Jack Koryta won this month's 50:50 raffle. Congratulations, Jack.

-Glenn Bernasek

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Harry Hoffman
Telephone - 216.631.2354
Postal address - 3925 Trowbridge Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44109
E-mail - harryhoffy@core.com

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