Surprise, surprise! Due to change in plans, I was able to attend the October meeting after all.I then called the October meeting to order, and read the minutes from the September meeting. Lin Shaw gave his monthly Treasurer's report. There were no disk library or membership reports this month.
We had a special guest at this month's meeting. Norm Rokke, formerly with the defunct Pittsburgh Users Group, had decided to drop in while he was in the area. I hadn't seen Norm since the Classic Computer And Game shows. Norm was invited to join our user group. However, he explained that he lived too far away to be able to attend meetings. Did I mention, Norm, that attendance is not a requirement for membership in the TI-Chips? Hope you will give it some thought.
There was some discussion about the rather sparse response to the bimonthly calls for nominations for next year's Jim Peterson Achievement Awards. Fred Ialacci and Les Kee suggested that I post a notice to the TI community regarding the light turn out. Norm Rokke said it might help if I would also include a listing of the past winners of the Jim Peterson Awards. Both Fred and Harry Hoffman said the Jim Peterson Achievement Award(s) should be awarded even if there is only one award category completed. All suggestions were accepted and will be acted on in November. (Thanks guys for the ideas and meaningful discussion.)
Lin Shaw brought in his TI-99/4A consol, and explained that the ENTER key stopped working. We asked if any other keys were giving him problems, and Lin said, "No." Since the ENTER key was the only problem key, I suggested that he "pop" the key pad off and clean the 'clam shell' contacts below the pad with a rubbing alcohol-soaked paper match stick or sliver of an ultra fine emery board. (I remember having published an article on this subject in a distant past issue of the Cleveland Area TI-99/4A User Group newsletter.) John Parken said he would have been prepared to replace the problem key all together. I asked Lin to let me know if he has any further problems with the keyboard, and I'll be happy to give him a hand (help).
John talked a bit about his problem in getting his PC to print web screen frames without truncating. John said he found that Windows XP give the user the option of selecting Full Frame printing. (Sure wish earlier versions of Windows had offered this provision.)
Lin Shaw won the monthly 50:50 drawing. Congratulations, Lin. (The best thing about Lin winning the drawing is that Jack Koryta didn't have to divide up the money this time.)
The next meeting of the TI-Chips will be on Saturday, November 15th, in the Storytime room of the North Royalton branch library from 10:00 'til noon. (Reminders will be sent out to 'local' attendees.)