TI-Chips' Online

TI-CHIPS: Meeting Minutes August 1999

For what it’s worth, here are the July Minutes taken by Harry Hoffman!

Yes, Les did NOT go easy :) The July meeting started late due to waiting for members to show. Les Kee informed us Fred Ialacci was working and could not be at the meeting. Glenn Bernasek was enjoying the Florida weather! Membership Chairman John Parken, Ron Markus of Ramcharged Computers, and regular attendee Vonn Malcuit didn’t show either. Must have been the summer doldrums!

Lin Shaw gave his Teasurer’s report. Our book’s are well again due to refunds, our Kitchen Angels, donations from generous TIers, and the sale of seminar tapes!

Les Kee said there was no report on Library disks today.

Jack Koryta has finished 29 tapes. Two tapes have to be replaced because they were bad. As soon as Glenn gets the tapes, they will be sent out! Glenn has said to Jack that more tapes could be made as people were still ordering them.

Matt Andel showed us how to get refunds for buying certain foods. Matt runs a beginners SIG (Special Interest Group) for the Greater Cleveland PC User Groups (GCPCUG). Here are three such sites:

http://www.gianteagle.com/index.htmlGiant Eagle Home page
http://www.topsmarkets.comTops Home page
http://www.valpak.comMore Coupons

Les told us there would be no NorthCoast meeting this month. Ken Gladysewski and Marty Smoley were going to a Car Parts Swap meet. It coincides with the TI meeting days!

Deanna Sheridan, who belongs to the Franklin Circle Christian Church, is setting up PC’s for kids in the neighborhood of the Church so they will have the opportunity to learn and play on them. Also, those they can find out what it is like to get on the internet. She has also set up a TI-99/4A system for them to use cartridge modules to learn and play games. Deanna has set up printers and a scanner so they can show their parents what they are doing! Way to go Deanna!!!

It was a good meeting. Sorry so many missed it! Matt Andel won the 50/50 drawing. Congratulations, Matt!

-Harry Hoffman

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Harry Hoffman
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Postal address - 3925 Trowbridge Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44109
E-mail - harryhoffy@core.com

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