TI-Chips' Online

TI-CHIPS: Meeting Minutes May 1999

The May Meeting of the TI-Chips was opened in the small meeting room by Fred Ialacci. (This was because of the TIMUG '99 date change, and the large meeting room had already been reserved by another group.) Reading of the April minutes was waived with the exception of a change in the reported TI-Chips’ May meeting date. The May meeting date was erroneously recorded to be scheduled for May 21. This error, in the April minutes, was corrected to read May 15, 1999.

Lin Shaw gave the Treasurer’s report. Lin reported that the ‘up front’ expenses for the TIMUG '99 has placed a drain on the club’s balance. These expenses included a $100 cash advance to Ada Markus to cover rental and security deposit of Spang Mansion for the Friday, June 11 TIMUG '99 get together and $100 cash advance to me for the rental of tables to be used at TIMUG '99.

John Parken said the membership reminder letters, which included a SAS envelope, seemed to work better than the post card method. John also handed out a revised membership list. This revised listing included address and phone changes as well as Internet e-mail addresses for TI-Chips members. (Thanks John for a job well done.)

Les Kee had no disk library report at this time.

Fred Ialacci reported that the Jim Peterson Award plaques have been ordered and they should be delivered well in advance of TIMUG '99.

Planning and preparation for the TIMUG '99 is on schedule. I handed out a list of probable attendees, their affiliation(s), tables requested and demonstrations scheduled. Ada Markus reported that she had purchased the beverages for TIMUG '99. All Ada asked was for help in unloading the cases of pop at Spang Mansion Friday evening and Saturday morning. Carolyn Shaw produced excellent direction signs for TIMUG '99. These signs will be posted at roads leading to Spang Mansion. (Thanks Carolyn for a super job!)

Those in attendance agreed to announce at the Multi User Group session at TIMUG '99 that this will be the last Multi User Group conference to be hosted by the TI-Chips. Although this will be the last conference we will host, the Jim Peterson Achievement Awards will continue to be organized and awarded by the TI-Chips each year.

Harry Hoffman’s comments, in the latest issue of the newsletter, regarding the establishment of an electronic newsletter on his web page sparked a lively discussion started by Les Kee. The Chips consensus said the concept was doable providing two conditions were met.

  1. We determine exactly who, in the TI-Chips, does not have Internet access.
  2. That we provide a complete paper copy of the electronic newsletter to those members in a timely fashion.

From June through August, the North Royalton Library is scheduled to undergo extensive renovations. Therefore, for the safety and security of our equipment, the Chips had been requested to remove all property being stored at the library. (We were prepared to do this anyway to bring our TI-99/4A system to TIMUG’99.) We will be advised by the Librarian if the scheduled August library shutdown for construction will affect our August meeting.

I passed out a copy of the Milwaukee Area User Group (MAUG) e-mailed newsletter. This is an ambitious 28 page tome. Much larger than the newsletter we could or would ever expect to publish.

Fred showed a keyboard he brought in for the Chips to use in the MS-DOS clone demos. It looks like we are on the way to having two demo systems in place at the TI-Chips meetings. (Thanks, Fred.)

I said I will check with the library in late June for reserving the small meeting room for our regular group meetings. It was agreed that the small meeting room would handle our requirements and attendance level nicely. It became obvious that we were noticeably under utilizing the large meeting room. However I will attempt to secure the large meeting room for our Christmas party and special events.

The TI-Chips will be getting together twice in June. At TIMUG '99 on June 12 and at our regular meeting date on June 19. (We hope as many Chips as possible can make both dates.)

John Parken won this month’s 50/50 raffle. Congratulations John.

-Glenn Bernasek

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Newsletter Contact Information

Harry Hoffman
Telephone - 216.631.2354
Postal address - 3925 Trowbridge Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44109
E-mail - harryhoffy@core.com

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